The Pokemon anime series and films are a series of adventures separate from the canon that most of the Pokemon video games follow. The anime follows the quest of the main character, Ash, a Pokemon Master in training, as he and a small group of friends travel around the fictional world of Pokemon along with their Pokemon partners. The original series, Pokemon in Western countries, begins with Ash's first day as a Pokemon trainer. His first Pokemon is a Pikachu, differing from the games, where only Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle could be chosen. Accompanying Ash on his journeys are Brock and Misty. Pokemon: Adventures in the Orange Islands follows Ash's adventures in the Orange Islands, a place unique to the anime.
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Pokemon series was watched all over the world by millions of fans especially kids. They tuned into Pokemon whenever it was broadcasted. Kids used to collect Tazo which were given as a gift inside wafer packs. The point is that people were crazy about Pokemon everywhere. Recently a new game has been launched called Pokemon Go, everyone loves free coloring games. To up your craze for Pokemon, we have arranged an exciting range of Pokemon coloring pages on our website. These pages offer all the pokemon trainers, the famous Pokemons, and their next avatar. So, don’t wait and get on to our website for some free pokemon coloring books that are printable and can be downloaded in high quality. Get there, Have fun !
Pokemon Coloring Pages for Kids Printable
Pokemon series was watched all over the world by millions of fans especially kids. They tuned into Pokemon whenever it was broadcasted. Kids used to collect Tazo which were given as a gift inside wafer packs. The point is that people were crazy about Pokemon everywhere. Recently a new game has been launched called Pokemon Go, everyone loves free coloring games. To up your craze for Pokemon, we have arranged an exciting range of Pokemon coloring pages on our website. These pages offer all the pokemon trainers, the famous Pokemons, and their next avatar. So, don’t wait and get on to our website for some free pokemon coloring books that are printable and can be downloaded in high quality. Get there, Have fun !
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